Tips on Planning a Pheasant Hunt

Research Months Before Pheasant Season
Months before pheasant hunting season, you should start taking a look at where you wish to travel to and the specific area you plan on hunting. Generally speaking, local wildlife agencies and tourism boards have a wealth of information available for free, and you'll find a ton of information just via google. A preferred resource I use is Pheasants Foreverwhose mission is "dedicated to the conservation of pheasants, quail and other wildlife through habitat improvements, public awareness, education, and land management policies and programs."

Begin your research by compiling a list of your favorite hunt locations and accommodation options, then gather together with your group and decide where you'd like to go.

The next step is making inquiries to reserve your lodging and guiding for the hunt dates you've chosen. One of our favorite spots is Pheasant Bonanza, outside of Omaha, Nebraska.

Gear for the Trip:

Shotgun or two and gun cases

Shotgun shells and shell storage box (Be aware of public land shot
requirements; they may differ from private land.)

Blaze orange hats, blaze upland bird vest and/or blaze jacket

Chaps or brush pants

Waterproof and comfortable upland hunting boots and knee-high
rubber boots

Rain gear

Shooting gloves

Shooting glasses

Several pairs of socks; light, mid-weight and heavyweight

Shirts, turtlenecks, sweatshirts and a sweater

Long underwear

If you need it all, we offer an all-inclusive bundle of everything you'd need for your upcoming Pheasant Hunt!

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